I have moved the How It Works to another page. 6/30 - Argh!!! Recent Chrome update broke Midi Output! Not Happy :( Week 3 - 7/3 So yesterday I hooked up all the knobs and buttons. So you now can get a feel for what a patch could sound like. Still havn't hooked up the a volume control. Changeing what gets saved when you click Save. Rather than the entire layout, just save the patch values. Some of the Midi output devices still work such as RTPMidi so I can send to devices over the net such as Animoog running on the iPad. Week 4 - 7/10 Added an extra layer. a scene object is associated with the canvas. There can be a number of scene controllers in a scene. Each controller can have many scene objects. A scene controller is also a scene object. So I can now group a collection of scene objects in a controller. Make copies of the controller and have several copies in the scene. Below there are two scenes, the werkstatt scene on top and a scope scene below. Both have one scene controller. Note that the scene controller can now be positioned anywhere in the scene and no longer covers the whole scene. Week 5Time to make a video... Some many ideas! Add a mixer 'scene' so you can adjust the volumes. Change the linkto format again from "scene#controller#obj" to "obj@scene/controller" or "obj/linkarg@scene/controller" Have a USB midi interface that might work on output. I can try and use it to do the Softbits live without needing a web server or serial proxy.. On windows right click and save as to download the following files.