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Upload a Midi file and preview the tracks. Select the tracks you want to preview and the click Preview. Preview will build a new .mid file and you can save it and then play it. When you have found the track that has the music you want the @LittleBits @Arduino to play, select the options and click Convert. To look at the data you can use Raw to see the midi data as hex numbers, On/Off displays a basic decode of the midi data and code displays what the note data will look like in the Arduino souce. The source files for the Arduino sketch are HERE

5/30/2015 - Added support for WEB Midi API that is in current version of Chrome. So now as well as using Preview to download a .mid file, you can select a Midi device and play the selected tracks directly. I will also be adding Web Audio support if you browser does not have Web Midi.

Midi File:
Create Midi file to or just
Select tracks and click Preview to generate a new download a new Midi file. If your browser supports it you can select an output method and click Play.

These are the sources of the Arduino sketch that plays the output generated by the convert button. The miditune.ino file is the one you replace with the saved one from the web page. To compile it and upload it to the Arduino, you will have to close the miditune sketch in the arduino IDE and re-open it. I have not found a way to refresh the source in the Arduino IDE when you change it. Currently the loop() function defined in play.ino, plays the tune once and then will play the tune again when you bring the D0 input high. I have a button on D0 which plays the tune when pressed.

Folder for the sketch. Create a folder called "miditune" and download the following files in it.
This is the sample source data file. The convert output should be saved into this file.
play.ino is the main part of the sketch that plays the data in miditune.ino. The setup() and loop() functions are defined here.
play.h has definitions used by play.ino
miditune.h has definitions used by miditune.ino
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